How To Reduce Noise From Upstairs Neighbors?

Being cursed with bad upstairs neighbors might be the most torturous punishment from the higher up. But you don’t need to stress anymore because in this article I am going to rescue you with practical solutions on how to reduce noise from upstairs neighbors. However, the actual culprit might not be your upstairs neighbor but … Read more

How To Annoy Upstairs Neighbors Legally?

After trying every nice and subtle method to calm them down, I finally decided to use this “ceiling vibrator,” aka “ceiling thumper”, and trust me, since then, my life has been heavenly quiet.   So look no more for ways to annoy upstairs neighbors and consider yourself rescued from all that torture as I have … Read more

What Is Considered Normal Apartment Noise?

How much noise is too much in an apartment? Honestly, you can’t define exactly what is considered normal apartment noise. Whether or not noise is normal depends on your neighbors, when the sound or noise is generated, the object making the noise, and where you are located. In fact, you can hear a variety of … Read more

How To Record Upstairs Neighbor Stomping?

Hey, do you have a loud noisy upstairs neighbor, the upstairs neighbor keeps stomping all day. The sound of children running back and forth across the floor in their bare feet. The sound of a woman walking back and forth in high heels. And the sound of a man wearing leather shoes with heels striking … Read more